For my loyal Facebook stalkers, you may recall that just over a week ago, I “liked” this little girl from
Well, I don’t know why I fell in love with her but I did. It’s no secret that Budha is the joy in my every day, and she is getting up there in years; I will not get another dog while I have her. A cat, maybe...but Budha gets all my dog-loving attention/affection. So I “liked” Nelly Narla and carried on with my Sunday.
On Monday I was still thinking about her a little and wondering who could resist that face. She’s a German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix.
On Tuesday I was really thinking about her, and how I wanted someone to take her home – why this dog? I don’t know – she just stuck with me. So I happened to be in our downstairs break room at work (where I usually am not) and a colleague came in with whom I generally have minimal contact as we are in 2 very different areas of the company, and as he poured his coffee, I said “Do you want a dog?”. He looked at me and said “Yes, but we’re not ready. Why?” So I told him this silly story of how I was looking on PetFinder and now couldn’t get this pup (she’s 1 yr old) out of my head. He listened and agreed to look at her photo as he was ready to head out of the break room. When I pulled her up online he gasped and said “Is she a Rotti?” I said “She’s a German Shepherd/Rotti mix”. Then he tells me that he’s really been looking at Rottweilers and his wife has grown up with German Shepherd mixes. He was pretty excited about it so I sent him the link for her.
On Saturday they drove over an hour away to take a look at her, and now Nelly has a happy new home with a very loving family.
I AM...the best matchmaker ever.