Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mind Mishmash

This blog post is going to be about no one specific thing.  Just killing time on a Sunday.

1. Gilda.  A few weeks ago, I adopted a kitty.  I went to the Duluth Animal Allies to get an adult male cat...and instead ended up in Superior getting a female kitten.  Ironically she was a stray cat hanging around a coworker's house and after days of caring for her, he brought her to the shelter (her son had named her "Cutie").  They couldn't keep her, as they already have 3 cats of their own.  He told me this story the night before I went looking for a kitty.  When I got to Superior I was already pretty convinced it just wasn't mean to be that day.  Then I saw this cute little blonde/orange cat and I picked her up and she fell asleep in my arms.  The name on her cage said "Cutie".  "It's you!" I said to her.  And we were in the car together in 5 minutes.  The first night I had her, I knew I could not keep her name.  She kept me up for most of the night licking my face and "Cutie - go lay down!" just doesn't work.  (plus she's not a dog and doesn't listen to these commands anyway).  So after a couple days of observing her, her golden fur, golden eyes, and humorous behavior.  Her name became "Gilda".

2. No one needs to wish you a good day.  It disgusts me - I mean DISGUSTS me that people actually put time and effort into bitching about people saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".  Beliefs aside....stop being an ass.  No one needs to wish you a happy anything if you're just going to complain.  Guess what?  There are SEVERAL holidays in the "Holiday" season.  It's like if I said "Have a good day" and someone got offended because I was specific to say "Have a good Sunday".  It's gross.  If you really are going to complain over someone wishing you happiness, take a look at yourself.  Just because someone doesn't say "Merry Christmas" doesn't mean they are boycotting it, and even if they do have different beliefs, what does it say about the person who gets offended.  Nice peaceful attitude.    I just can't believe that people have such a need for controversy in their lives that it overtakes what is "meant to be" a joyous time of year.   It's so easy to just be nice and respect each other and yet these days it seems people care more about creating debates about ANYTHING just to be heard.  Honestly get a life if you're going to get worked up over something so petty.  There are more important things in the world.  Get over it.  It is a very selfish way to behave.  As I one needs to wish you a happy anything...

3. Dogs.  I miss my Budha every day.  Every. Day.  And I love Gilda, she is wonderful.  But I still think I will need to get another dog at some point.  Yesterday I thought "An Austrailian Shepherd would be a good addition to this house".  Really of course, I would end up choosing whatever dog caught my heart....whenever that may be. 

4. House.  I finally got that annoying area above my stairs painted.  Looks good.  I wonder what the next project will be.  Lots of them to choose from I guess.  When I really think about it though, I've put a lot of work into the house in 6 years.  But mostly - I need a new roof....and I would love to get rid of that big heavy bathtub someday.

5. Not exactly where I wanted to be at this point, but you can't really plan on these things.  Almost 31, single, no kids, and relying on roommates to get debt paid down...not only is that hard to swallow by itself, but also tough to watch when you seem to be the only one on that side of life.  I don't expect people to understand it. 

6. Thanksgiving.  I rarely leave town for Thanksgiving.  I've always enjoyed doing my own Thanksgiving for people who have nowhere else to go, or who just want to spend time together.  One year it was just me and Tom - and a LOT of food!  I've had as few as 2 and as many as 13 people during Thanksgiving.  Well this year I'll go down to my brother's house   It will be nice to see the family and spend the day together.  Maybe I'll try to do my orphan thanksgiving next weekend.  :)  We'll see.  But for all of you who have spent previous Thanksgivings with me, thank you, have a wonderful day, and I'll let you know if I do one at a later time. 

7. In my mind it's practically March.  Thanksgiving next week, Christmas in December, Tom is coming in January (yea!), I am going to Oregon in February, and everything is just happening a little too fast.

8.  I've been awake for several hours and it's still not even noon.  What to do for the rest of the day?  Lots of things I "should" do but don't feel like it.  Puppysitting right now for the big boy and the little girl.  Henry is sticking his bottom lip out. 

Well I'm rambling so that's the end of this nonsense blog.  Not my finest, but kept me busy for a little while anyway.  Stay tuned for the next blog on  I should write that one up later tonight (or for sure by tomorrow night).

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