Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Random Sabrina Stats

Some of these are well known by everyone; some I just discovered on my own! Having time to yourself really makes you self aware.

1. I hate big spoons

2. I love big forks

3. I go to sleep on my side...but wake up on my back. (No jokes...jeerrrrks)

4. I could never own that kind of carpet that looks two different colors depending on which way you vacuum. It makes me OCD. (Notice I've torn up all the carpet in my house)

5. "Layla" (piano exit) always gives me the saddest heartwrenching feeling....because of favorite movie.

6. I can't imagine what it would be like to give a child up for adoption, but even moreso...I can't imagine what it would be like to adopt a child now with the open adoption process...fearing any drama of the birth parents.

7. I really miss living alone sometimes.

8. I hiccup ever time I take a first sip of Diet Coke (can or bottle).

9. I truly think I have some of the greatest friends I could ask for.

10. I've been getting the itch to move lately. Obviously with the house and's not possible at this time. And maybe I just have a case of spring fever. Maybe I'm just sad that I've grown out of my "free-spirit" ways. I don't know. I do know that there are a lot of places I haven't seen still. I guess that doesn't mean I have to "move" there...just looking for something new. Gotta' find out what that is, I suppose.

11. Once I start watching pretty much anything on TLC....I can't stop. ('s on right now!)

12. I love a high thread count in my sheets.

13. Three conversations that can get me mad as hell include: welfare, anti-depressants/ADHD, and "independent student" statuses (I'm passed the age, and graduated but still riled). Please don't assume that because these topics make me angry, that I am completely against the issue. It's the way the issues are handled.

14. Cracklin Oat Bran is dee-lish!

15. My socks barely ever match unless they are nylon socks.

16. I can't clean my left ear w/out choking/coughing.

17. I hate the feeling of vibrations in my hands (SHUT UP!). I mean large things (will you just let me finish already?) Lawnmowers....or a shopping cart on the paved bumpy parking lot...*shivers* hate it.

18. The sound of cardboard against itself is almost just as bad.

19. I like almost every kind of music. I think country really started to blow after about 95....but I like some earlier stuff.

20. I like when a man likes female singers.

21. I can't sleep when my feet are cold.

22. I don't understand how/why people break their phones. I know so many people who have tantrums and break their phone by throwing it...or they lose do these things happen? Why are you throwing your phone???? Set it down....throw a cat or something.

23. I couldn't stand school....but I thrive on learning every day.

24. 24 is my favorite number.

25. I don't like the smell of blueberry things. (incident w/ moldy blueberry bagel in high school)

26. I've said this before...but that feeling of drinking something cold on an empty stomach and feeling it makes its route to your just the COOLEST feeling!!!!

27. It's very important to share photos and stories of your loved ones with your children at an early age. Especially when those loved ones just can't visit as often as they'd like.

28. I whine when I'm tired. Not really a whine...more like a whimper. Julia, how would you describe that? And don't say "annoying"!

29. The Ring was a great movie. But it scared the hell out of me. And I think...I think that might be why I can't watch scary movies anymore. Not kidding - I haven't gotten through a scary movie since 2003.

30. It irritates me when people think it's weird that I ask for power tools/menards supplies and such for Christmas. My house is my's hard work...and it's something that makes me feel proud. No tools - no progress.

31. Don't ever use the "you're a girl" shit towards me. You will be sorry. (ahem...Joel...."well we aren't playing're a girl".) Whatcha!!! (for anyone who doesn't know - that's my George Lopez voice)

32. I'm REALLY happy about having the next few days off (mostly off).

33. Someone should buy me a nice 52" flatscreen TV.

34. I don't like the stereotypical scents that women are said to baby powder or vanilla. Too overpowering.

35. I just watched a hilarious clip of a best man tripping on a step - and knocking the bride and the priest into the pool. HAHAHAHA!!!

36. I like when people smile. And it's genuine.

37. I feel like the look now a days - is 18 year olds trying to look - almost like they're 30... There's this particular hair style i'm thinking of....hmmm.....if I see it - I'll let you know.

38. I like the game of Life.

39. For a long time I was afraid of showering when no one else was in the house.

40. I understand the teeny bopper bad bad craze that hits the little pre teen girls. I was one. Last night I was watching SNL...and the Jonas Brothers were on. I have heard of them...but had never heard them. All I have to say is "WTF?!??!" The songs were terrible, they could barely carry a tune (the lead singer was the WORST singer!), I'm just so confused!

41. Speaking of...I've never understood "Kidz Bop" - if you're a kid...and you like the song....why would you want to listen a bunch of other kids sing it...

42. I am extremely laid back and easy to live with...but if I'm sleeping - be respectful and keep it down. My heart will beat with fury when people are loud and I'm sleeping.

43. I can't EVER find my drill when I need it.

44. I find it incrediblly difficult to drive wearing glasses, when normally I wear contacts.

45. I think I need to meet Caeser Milan. Not because I need help with my dog. But because I think we should get married.

46. I am TERRIFIED of ice. Not driving on it...I can handle that just fine....WALKING ON IT!

47. When I have a tough day, I like to look back and see all I've done for myself and realize the hardships that I've already went makes me feel unstoppable (usually!).

48. I need a road trip. Man I miss those. It's comin' though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

49. I'm excited for the day that I have less animals in this house. Not my babe though...she stays right here. :)

50. I hate touching chicken. I do it...have to - it's one of my favorite things to prepare...but I usually use a baggie or something when cutting it.

51. You know those Pilsbury cans of biscuits that you tear the paper and then they pop open...I hate those. I get like an anxiety attack when opening them.

52. Balloons - same thing. I hate the anticipation of being scared.

53. My dining room and kitchen are awesomely spotless right now. :)

55. I'm going to bed.

56. I don't like numbers 3 and 5 much...and purposely added this post so I would not end on 55.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Testing Blog

Well, this is a test to see if I really know how to use this site....and to see if I can get it to post to my facebook to the real writing!

Doing Something More

Well...I can't figure out how to get these to post to facebook yet, and maybe I won't figure it out. But I need to write anyway. I haven't written in a long time and I can feel it. Writing is the best release for me...I like when others read my posts, but even if they don''s never a waste to free the mind for a while.

Before I begin, I have to say..."SAW" is on TV right now and my neck literally hurts because I'm kinked in such a way so I DO NOT have to see any of it...and am disturbed that there are 3 people on my couch right now who seem to be really into it.

On to Something More. I don't know know what's happened lately...possibly it's a combination of events. But I do feel like I need to do something more with my life. Do not get me wrong, I am very happy where I am...but something has to change. I'm in a routine. Routine = stability (as I kind of give a "yeah right" giggle) but Routine also = Boredom. For the last couple months I have researched new career opportunities, new places to live, and have had baby fever. Then I realized the following:

Career: I love my job. I have been there for 5 years and I am learning more new things every single day. I have a great bunch of co-workers, and while it's no Doctor's's definitely acceptable. So why was I freaking out? Well...kind of because of my other thoughts for life's path. The economy is a burden for all of us right I thought "I need to be in a field where I can make even more money" time went on, I wised up and realized....I'm safe in my job. We are doing great with no layoffs...why the hell would I risk my job security at a time like this - when it's a job I love? Well...that's where it morfs into wanting to move.

Where to Live: I've been in Duluth for basically 9 years. I lived out in Fredericksburg, VA for a little while, but then came back to Duluth. So part of it is...I'm feeling the itch to go. I miss being able to pack up and leave. Kind of miss the free spirit part of my soul. I own a house. I love my house...I've put a lot into it already, and it's's mine...and someday someone else will live here, and see what was "me" and then make it their own. All a part of the history.'s not easy to up and sell a house, not that I really even want to...but can't move away if you're a homeowner (at least not the average middle class Non-Snowbird homeowner). dog. I love her dearly and she is getting older. Still acts like a pup, but I'm facing it - she's getting older...and I wouldn't put her through a move just because "I'm bored". Now...going backwards a bit other big thought was "Okay...let's say I move...what will I do for work?" Then I rolled backwards into the career choices. Is IT right for me? Yes, IT is a great field that will always be in high demand...but am I good enough yet? Would anyone else take me if I had to leave? I know it sounds silly. I didn't go to school for IT though - I learned everything I know while I've been there. And I've learned a lot...but still scared me to think about what else I could do.

Tieing up those thoughts: Economy + boredom = calm down and be patient. I'm going to give it another year - through another crappy winter, and when financial means are a little more managable, then if I still feel the same as I do right now...then I will reevaluate and make plans.

Baby Fever: Again...last couple months, I've been thinking about how much I want a baby. But I don't ever want to be a single mom. That got me thinking "If I met that person RIGHT NOW - and we got married in 3 years....and a year later I had a baby....I'd already be at least 31". Sounds silly that I thought all that...but those are the words that go with "tick....tock....tick...tock..." It really bothered me. Then in the last couple weeks, it really hit me's not really "BABY fever" - it's "FAMILY fever". I'm not necessarily ready to jump in to having a child right now. But I'm ready just to settle down. I've had a great run of my party years (not to say that they are over....but not to define me anymore). I've got a house, and a great job....and I'm just ready for the rest. I'm ready to meet "that guy" - I'm ready to share my life. And that scares the hell out of me. For anyone that knows me well, I have done/still do everything on my own. I was brought up very independent and I love that about myself. But there is a difference between independent and selfish. I'm ready to share my life with someone. And to throw one last backwards zinger in there: If that isn't going to happen here in Duluth (which I really question), then where?

So all of these thoughts have led me to one great thing that I am very excited about. ROAD TRIP!!!! Late summer/early fall - I am taking 2 weeks - and I'm driving (just me) down to Denver to see my aunt, over to Salt Lake to see my grandma, and down to AZ to visit a friend (maybe a few - seems a lot of people are heading that way!!!). I think doing this, will put this whole blog (aside from the "SAW" junk) in perspective. Road trips are a great way to clear the mind. Plus...if I'm contemplating moving at all....I think this will either kill the bug (most likely) or confirm that it's time to go.

Until then....I would like to do something more with my life....and I don't know what exactly that means. I thought for about 3 seconds of going military...then I laughed my ass off. Sorry family, I still broke that chain. I respect it - I respect the hell out of it, but not anything that I would ever want to do. Maybe some sort of volunteer work. If I can get the time (which I don't have a lot of lately), maybe an Animal Shelter, or a mentor. I think that would be good. I'm not saying I'm on a mission to save the world or any Bono stuff like that...but I want to do something that does make a difference, to someone, to something, maybe even just to me. So if you have any ideas...I'm all ears....or eyes...