Saturday, November 19, 2011


Recently something caught my eye on my friend/coworker's desk.  It was a yellow warning sign with a magnetic dude whom you could position in different "warning" positions.  As if this wasn't fun enough, Alex of course took it a step further with some additional props.  The following works of art are done by none other than Alex Koivisto himself.  Enjoy. 

Sumo Wrestler

Fire Breather

Spontaneous Human Combustion



Killer Rabbit

And my personal favorite...

Bazooka Sharpie

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Nelly Narla

For my loyal Facebook stalkers, you may recall that just over a week ago, I “liked” this little girl from

Well, I don’t know why I fell in love with her but I did.  It’s no secret that Budha is the joy in my every day, and she is getting up there in years; I will not get another dog while I have her.  A cat, maybe...but Budha gets all my dog-loving attention/affection.  So I “liked” Nelly Narla and carried on with my Sunday. 

On Monday I was still thinking about her a little and wondering who could resist that face.  She’s a German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix. 

On Tuesday I was really thinking about her, and how I wanted someone to take her home – why this dog?  I don’t know – she just stuck with me.  So I happened to be in our downstairs break room at work (where I usually am not) and a colleague came in with whom I generally have minimal contact as we are in 2 very different areas of the company, and as he poured his coffee, I said “Do you want a dog?”.  He looked at me and said “Yes, but we’re not ready.  Why?”  So I told him this silly story of how I was looking on PetFinder and now couldn’t get this pup (she’s 1 yr old) out of my head.  He listened and agreed to look at her photo as he was ready to head out of the break room.  When I pulled her up online he gasped and said “Is she a Rotti?”  I said “She’s a German Shepherd/Rotti mix”.  Then he tells me that he’s really been looking at Rottweilers and his wife has grown up with German Shepherd mixes.  He was pretty excited about it so I sent him the link for her. 

On Saturday they drove over an hour away to take a look at her, and now Nelly has a happy new home with a very loving family.

I AM...the best matchmaker ever.